We meaningfully address the Climate Crisis through Regenerative Design by interweaving Nature and Culture. Our holistic, Earth-centred approach is through the sharing of our expertise with communities to reach their goals for ENERGY FOOD WATER Security. This process is founded on listening and learning from elders, knowledge keepers, community members and youth. We share our 36 years of architectural, development and regenerative design expertise to co-create spaces imbued with meaning and cultural resonance. We identify the synergies between Indigenous tectonics and contemporary building techniques to valourize the sophistication of traditional strategies in a fresh way employing the latest in cutting edge technologies. This synthesis of traditional wisdom and high performance building results in deeply sustainable, highly resilient, authentic communities interwoven seamlessly and symbiotically with Mother Earth.
Our mission is to re-establish a harmonious relationship with our Earth by mapping out a regenerative Community Plan and culturally resonant architecture. Learning from the sophistication of Indigenous Wisdom on how to live symbiotically with our planet, we create architectural designs that include strategies for Food, Water, Energy Security as well as the revitalization of native biodiversity. Our process optimizes the specific potential of each site so that we can harvest the energies that flow through such as solar, wind, and water. We incorporate contemporary technologies such as green roofs, living walls, Earth tubes and Earth sheltered green houses to interweave with Nature. Our multidisciplinary integrated design team includes architects, designers, structural and mechanical engineers, energy modelers, ecologists and professional grant writers. If you wish to inquire about these services, please contact us here. We look forward to learning about how we can support your community.
We employ earth centred Permaculture Design to map the natural energy flows and metabolism of the site. We orchestrate synergies between the crops to ensure that soil fertility is continuously being replenished naturally. Learning from the wisdom of Indigenous cultivation systems such as the Three Sisters, our plant guilds foster mutually beneficial relationships such as nitrogen fixing, soil moisture retention and natural weed and pest suppression. Inspired by the multiple layers of an ecosystem, our food forests produce more calories per acre than monocultures. We promote and design Earth Sheltered green houses to extend growing potential year-round and to assist with the heating of adjacent buildings. Our landscape designs restore indigenous biodiversity and create delightful foraging trails.
We use a diversity of strategies to harvest and store water on site. Carefully designed earthworks allow us to slow the flow of water through the site to prevent soil erosion and reduce irrigation requirements. This strategy augments infiltration which replenishes soil moisture and recharges the water table. This is most important in coastal areas to prevent salt infiltration in the water table. All of our supplemental irrigation strategies are water and energy efficient.
Passive strategies such as Earth Tubes and Geo-piles temper our buildings naturally and provide a baseline both for cooling and heating to reduce energy consumption and operational costs. Our structures and buildings are solar optimized to ensure that the energy production is in sync with building use.
All of our project revitalize Indigenous biodiversity to heal our Earth and provide habitat for birds and pollinators with a special focus on Ethnobotanical edible and medicinal plants.
Our holistic process welcomes collaboration with Knowledge Keepers, Elders and community artists to infuse our designs with local traditional art, fostering the valourization of culture.